Children are the most vulnerable segment of our population since they are reliant on professionals to make decisions for them when it comes to their safety.
The majority of this population segment is blessed with a healthy immune system, but they can still get sick from airborne diseases, as well as direct contact infections. Those with compromised immune systems are at higher risk of infection.

For surface disinfection, we recommend using a non-chemical method of steam cleaning. High heat-low vapor steam kills surface germs without leaving behind any chemical residue.
See our section on Non-Chemical Disinfection System or contact us for information and an onsite demo.
If you need to use a spray disinfectant, we recommend plant based products instead of chemicals. Most are EPA certified and are less harmful to the environment. They are more kid friendly as well.
Airborne contamination is still the number one cause of pathogen transfer. Equipping your facility’s HVAC system with our High Efficiency MERV 17 filters eliminates 99.25 % of airborne pathogens as small as .1um in a single pass of air. In areas with poor ventilation, you should consider installing the Purilux ceiling mounted air purification LED light unit. This gives you 24 hour air purification without having wires to trip over like floor units. See our section on Air Filtration or call us for more information.
A Call for Building Owners and Operators to Improve Indoor Air Quality and Protect Public Health
Our recomandation to improve IAQ is ThinkLite
The Four-Steps the EPA Recommends to Achieve Clean Air in Government Buildings
Step 1
CREATE AN ACTION PLAN FOR CLEAN INDOOR AIR IN YOUR BUILDING(S) that assesses IAQ, plans for upgrades and improvements, and includes HVAC inspections and maintenance.
The ThinkLite Flair Smart IAQ Monitor will assess your current indoor air quality baseline.
Step 2
OPTIMIZE FRESH AIR VENTILATION by bringing in and circulating clean outdoor air indoors.
The ThinkLite Flair integrates with your BMS to automate HVAC settings based on real-time data, creating optimal safety conditions with a smart, energy-efficient means of control.
Step 3
ENHANCE AIR FILTRATION AND CLEANING using the central HVAC system and in-room air cleaning devices.
Both the ThinkLite Purilux and ICON provide the highest level of air safety by eliminating the smallest particles (0.1-2.5 microns), which includes COVID, the flu and other viruses.
Purilux and ICON both use safely encapsulated ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) to clean the air.
Step 4
The Flair Air Monitor continuously detects, analyzes, and reports key air quality metrics, tracking and sharing the data to:
- a sophisticated dashboard system with 24-hour optics for building operators.
- customizable kiosk views which can appear on publicly accessible screens onsite, or online.