Low MERV Rated HVAC Air filters, originally designed to improve HVAC energy performance by filtering dirt and dust particles to keep coils clean, simply do not filter out harmful viral, bacterial, or fungal microbes.
Deep Blue IAQ Air filters remove contaminates suspended in air systems like solid and liquid particles and oil aerosols with a filtration efficiency exceeding 99.99%.
Perfect for any home or business with an efficency of 99.25% on a single pass of air at .1 micron, our 125pro series provide superior filtration. The air permeability of >150 CFM will work on almost any HVAC system.
This is able to provide HEPA rated filtration with no retrofitting to your current HVAC system.
Recognizing The Problem
Although it is not traditionally thought about, air is the largest surface in any building and must be cleaned, like any other surface in the building. Our Solution finally allows for a method to efficiently, quickly, & cost-effectively address this issue.
Airborne contamination is a complex mode of transmission where many of the communicable diseases are able to enter our body and cause harm. Airborne Transmission has the highest rate of transmission possible, indirect, person-to-person. This process is explained in the ASHRAE Position Paper, “Airborne Infectious Disease,” 2009.
This document stipulates that Measles, Mumps, Influenza, and TB are all spread as Airborne Droplet Nuclei, submicron particles. Additionally, ASHRAE provided a statement on airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2:
“Transmission of SARS-CoV- 2 through the air is sufficiently likely that airborne exposure to the virus should be controlled. Changes to building operations, including the operation of heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems, can reduce airborne exposures.”
However, the current filters that are used in almost all residential and commercial systems are exclusively used to protect the coil of the HVAC system, providing purely a mechanical function.
These filters do little to nothing to protect from the sub-micron pathogens that can travel through the HVAC system, possibly infecting people who would never come into direct contact with an infected individual.
The Solution
Containment Filter’s ability to capture and hold particles the size of known pathogens is a true breakthrough in filtration. This new Containment filter will greatly enhance our ability to contain the spread of respiratory viruses.
The Containment Filter should be used not only during a pandemic but for sustaining cleaner air free from viruses, bacteria, and allergens found in our everyday contact with coworkers, schoolmates, patients, and the general public.
During a respiratory outbreak, or even a bad seasonal flu outbreak, we must assume the air is contaminated since we cannot be assured that it is not. The ability to scrub sub-micron size particles from the air, which are the size of known pathogens, without using a hard sided HEPA has never been available before. The resistance of the Containment Filter is so low it can filter any sub-micron size particle and be used for residential and commercial systems which has never been possible before.
After Containment Filter has been installed, the very high-efficiency submicron filtration drastically reduces airborne particles the size of Droplet Nuclei in the inhabited area. This could potentially save millions of lives per year and billions in health care costs as a prevention method for airborne acquired infections. Hand washing, social distancing, and vaccines are preventative measures; they can aid in the spread of infections but with new strains and uncertainty of vaccine effectiveness (even professional athletes tested positive for COVID-19 after receiving the vaccine), our filters offer an additional layer of protection. This superior preventive method, using sub-micron filtration has never been used before.
Submicron Filtration For Every Building
The Containment Filter would not be just for viral pandemics, it also has the potential to be unbelievably helpful in hospital waiting areas, outpatient clinics, extended care sites, residential care sites, community-based outpatient clinics, other health care centers, and all administrative offices that could possibly become a source for where influenza and other airborne diseases have been spread for many, many years.